Cle de Berne
Bern, Switzerland
CLE DE BERNE, Private Club in Bern, Switzerland, is pioneering Web3 payment solutions for employee rewards. By leveraging personalized cards, blockchain technology, and a native cryptocurrency, the club enhances efficiency and offers a fresh perspective on blockchain's internal applications.
Personalized Cards:
Each employee holds a personalized Ammer Card that is used to get rewards from the employer.

CLE De Berne Token:
CLE De Berne Token was created on Ammer chain to streamline the reward system, ensuring secure and traceable transactions. Employees get token rewards directly to their Ammer Cards.

Cle Coin Airdrop:
Employees receive Cle Coins through airdrops, enabling their use as lunch coupons at the club's restaurant, highlighting innovative blockchain utilization.

CLE DE BERNE Private Club's adoption of Web3 payment solutions redefines employee rewards while demonstrating blockchain's versatility for internal operations.